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살리나스 근처 호텔 정보

살리나스 여행 필수 정보

Salinas is a charming coastal city located in the province of Santa Elena on the southwestern coast of Ecuador. The city is known for its beautiful beaches, lively nightlife, and delicious seafood. Salinas is home to several stunning beaches, including the popular Playa Salinas and the quieter Playa Chipipe. These beaches are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports, such as surfing, jet skiing, and parasailing. The city's Malecon is a picturesque boardwalk that stretches along the beach and is lined with restaurants, bars, and shops. In addition to its beaches, Salinas is also a great place to experience Ecuadorian cuisine. The city's seafood is renowned throughout the country, and visitors can sample a variety of fresh fish and shellfish dishes at the local restaurants. The city also hosts an annual seafood festival, where visitors can taste the best of Salinas' seafood cuisine. For those who want to explore beyond the beach, Salinas offers a variety of activities and attractions. The nearby Punta Carnero beach is a popular spot for kiteboarding, while the Salinas Golf and Tennis Club offers a chance to hit the links or play a match. The nearby Chocolatera is a scenic lookout point that offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean. In the evenings, Salinas comes alive with a vibrant nightlife. The Malecon is a popular spot for partygoers, with its bars and clubs offering live music, dancing, and a lively atmosphere. For a more relaxed evening, visitors can take a sunset stroll along the beach or enjoy a romantic dinner at one of the city's many restaurants. With its beautiful beaches, lively nightlife, and delicious cuisine, Salinas is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Ecuador.
timezone 시간 UTC-05
currency 통화 USD
volt 전압 120V
lang 언어 Spanish, Quechua, Ameri-indian languages

스테이피아만의 특별한 혜택

실시간 호텔 최저가 비교

실시간 호텔 최저가 비교

AI가 찾은 살리나스의 개 호텔 실시간 최저가를 간편하게 비교 검색하세요.

316만 개 호텔 최저가 예약

316만 개 호텔 최저가 예약

최저가에 최대 31% 추가 멤버십 할인 받고 더욱 저렴하게 예약하세요.

나만의 살리나스 버킷리스트

나만의 살리나스 버킷리스트

AI가 실시간 업데이트하는 살리나스 여행정보로 편리하게 여행을 준비하세요.

자주 묻는 질문

살리나스에서 평점이 가장 높은 호텔은 Blue Bay Hotel Salinas, Hotel Marvento Suites, Ronabi Beach Hotel이 있습니다.

일반적인 호텔의 경우 객실 예약은 취소마감일 이전까지 무료 환불이 가능합니다. 취소마감일 이후에는 수수료가 부과될 수 있으니 호텔 바우처 또는 메뉴 > 내 예약에서 취소마감일을 확인해 주세요.

스테이피아에서는 AI가 수집한 316만 개 호텔 최저가는 물론 회원 전용 추가 할인가로 인기 호텔을 예약할 수 있습니다.