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콜론 근처 호텔 정보

콜론 여행 필수 정보

Colón is a vibrant city located on the Caribbean coast of Panama, known for its rich history, lively atmosphere, and proximity to beautiful beaches and nature reserves. Founded in 1850, the city is home to a population of approximately 80,000 people and serves as a major seaport, commercial center, and transportation hub. Visitors to Colon can explore the city's colorful streets, which are filled with colonial architecture, street vendors, and lively cultural events. One of the most iconic landmarks in the city is the Panama Canal, which has played a critical role in the region's history and continues to be a major contributor to the local economy. In addition to the canal, there are many other attractions in and around Colon. Visitors can take a day trip to the nearby San Lorenzo Fort, which dates back to the 16th century and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding coastline. The Portobelo National Park is another must-visit destination, with its stunning beaches, coral reefs, and hiking trails. For those looking to soak up some culture, Colon offers a variety of museums, galleries, and performing arts venues. The Panama Canal Museum is a popular destination, offering a fascinating look into the history and construction of the canal. The city is also known for its vibrant music and dance scene, with a number of festivals and events taking place throughout the year. Foodies will also love Colon's vibrant culinary scene, with plenty of street vendors, markets, and restaurants serving up delicious Caribbean and Panamanian cuisine. Some of the most popular local dishes include sancocho, a hearty soup made with chicken, vegetables, and plantains, and arroz con pollo, a delicious rice and chicken dish. Overall, Colon is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Panama. With its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and lively atmosphere, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this bustling coastal city.
timezone 시간 UTC-05
currency 통화 PAB
volt 전압 110V,120V
lang 언어 Spanish, English

스테이피아만의 특별한 혜택

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실시간 호텔 최저가 비교

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316만 개 호텔 최저가 예약

316만 개 호텔 최저가 예약

최저가에 최대 31% 추가 멤버십 할인 받고 더욱 저렴하게 예약하세요.

나만의 콜론 버킷리스트

나만의 콜론 버킷리스트

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자주 묻는 질문

콜론에서 가장 인기있는 5성급 호텔은 Hotel Melia Panama Canal이 있습니다. 콜론 평점순 호텔 보러가기

일반적인 호텔의 경우 객실 예약은 취소마감일 이전까지 무료 환불이 가능합니다. 취소마감일 이후에는 수수료가 부과될 수 있으니 호텔 바우처 또는 메뉴 > 내 예약에서 취소마감일을 확인해 주세요.

스테이피아에서는 AI가 수집한 316만 개 호텔 최저가는 물론 회원 전용 추가 할인가로 인기 호텔을 예약할 수 있습니다.